A Suspension Of Reality

I’ve been noticing over the course of the past few months that my life no longer happens in what I can recognize as real time. It now appears to transpire in distinct moments, each and every one of which is isolated from the ones immediately preceding and following it.


I should assume it’s pert near impossible to explain. The only way I can even make an attempt at describing it is by comparing it to a film, or a group of cartoon cells, shot in extremely slow motion, where each and every frame is individually accounted for.


Sometimes I wonder desperately how I even try to handle it.  The frustration is unbearable. Each single syllable, breath, gesture, is suspended in time and space.  As far as I can fathom, perchance no one else even notices my problem.  Maybe it’s all only something I can understand.  Maybe, though, it’s something all can recognize and upon which all can comment in utter bewilderment. 

The life in which I’m now forcibly constrained is now that of an absolute madman.  I so desperately need help.  I simply must figure out a way to convey this message to others. 

Welcome back to Sue’s THURSDAY PHOTO PROMPT





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