mr. natural’s antique shoppe

“I like it,” Myrna boasted to a stunned Sheldn.

“It’s so old fashioned and folksy.”

“Don’t even you consider it a smidge odd,” he stammered, “that they have more things on the ceiling than on the floor and shelves, including ladies’ unmentionables?”

“Oh loosen up,” she giggled. “That’s the point.” Why do you think it was named after an R. Crumb cartoon character in the first place? Shouldn’t that tell you not to bother to expect sanity?”

Eventually Sheldn even learned to like it and wanted a membership card.

“Hey, they have free Boone’s Farm Wild Raspberry,” he quipped.

This week’s photo prompt is supplied by Mary Shipman. Rochelle Wisoff~Fields is our weekly fairy blogmother at Friday Fictioneers.

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