once there was a way to get back homeward


Ringo and Paul were at their favorite pub one night.

“Do you think we should ever tell folks?” The aged bassist pondered aloud.

“It might bloody flip ’em out,” his drummer companion replied.

They reminisced about their band’s plans to reunite in 1983, upon the twentieth anniversary of the “Please Please Me” album.

“Remember John’s nasty Rolling Stone interview,” Paul mused. “When he lashed out at us, throwing ’em off the track?”

“Oh did George ever do a number on us!” Ringo chimed in.

“Oh well,” said Paul. “It wasn’t meant to be, I reckon.”

“Yesterday” came on the radio.

This week’s photo prompt is by Rochelle Wisoff~Fields who leads us weekly in our Friday Fictioneers, an attempt to make a hundred~word work of fiction out of a photograph.

15 thoughts on “once there was a way to get back homeward

    1. larry trasciatti says:

      I read recently that Lennon’s death was a result of his always having been so controversial & Harrison’s was equally consistent with his stressed.out mentality. Another thing I read was that a reunion was a real possibility. My story was based upon that claim.


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