good times bad times

A success story doesn’t have to be very spicy to be interesting, though it may be to the advantage of the individual that he have quite a few setbacks from which he may learn the occasional hard-earned lesson or two, before things start to work out really well for him.  In a certain qualified sense, everything is relative. Nobody can truly recognize how interesting something truly is until he’s done without it for a significant length of time. According to Emily Dickinson’s famous poem, “Success is counted sweetest/by those who ne’er succeed. To comprehend a nectar/requires sorest need.” Anyone who’s never been begrudged things he’s wanted can never be counted on to appreciate what he’s gotten. According to Truman Capote, “failure is the condiment that gives success its flavor.”  That’s something that can be truly appreciated by someone who’s gotten a lot of really bad breaks.


Chilli Peppers Please

Keep Going


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