The Rose Queen

Rochelle is in charge of all this week because she has even supplied our most fab photo prompt. Even the Froggy is gear.

‘On this day sixty five years ago,’ Winston told James, ‘John first met Paul McCartney.’

‘It was at St. Peter’s Parish in Woolton, Liverpool,’ James said. ‘The Rose Queen, clad in pink and white satin sat upon her throne.’

‘Unbeknownst to her,’ Winston said, ‘the world over which she then reigned was never again to be the same.’

‘Somewhere out there,’ James said, ‘I imagine some eighty one year old hausfrau is invoking bragging rights like crazy. (he talks in pompous affected scouse) foah huhs is a bloody fab domain, i’ is.’

20 thoughts on “The Rose Queen

  1. authorfleurl says:

    My Beatles knowledge is next to nill as well, but growing up with 4 older brothers who did the look and the moves…and now I’m learning all the Beatles classics in my ukulele classes! So much fun!

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  2. granonine says:

    I don’t think we really knew that we were watching history unfold as the Beatles deplaned all those years ago onto American soil for the first time. I enjoy some of their music now, in my advanced old age, more than I ever did as a teen!


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