mass murderer

It’s late July,1966, in Chicago.

Muriel and Gloria spot a terrifying sight.

“I know they’ve got Richard Speck already,” cried Gloria, “but I still can’t help losing control!”

“He’s that moron who tortured eight young nursing students to death,” replied Muriel. “He was high as a kite.”

“You have to admit that is one odd sight!” stammered the former. “Do you think it’s some copycat bastard?”

“Do you have to bring that up?” Muriel went on. “That always happens.”

Trembling uncontrollably they go home and try not to dwell on their fear.

“Let’s stick together all day,” Gloria suggests.

Thanks to Janet M Webb for the photo prompt and to Rochelle Wisoff~Fields for her help each week in Friday Fictioneers.

6 thoughts on “mass murderer

  1. patriciaruthsusan says:

    I remember that horrible crime being in the paper at the time. Thank goodness they got him. I read years later he was still getting drugs in prison. He was a mixed up mess and finally died. Never would they have ever let him out. It was sad and disgusting. I don’t remember if it said in the paper what kind of childhood he had. Good writing, Larry. —- Suzanne

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